Monthly Archive: April 2021

Understanding Parkinson’s Disease – World Parkinson’s Day (April 11th)

April 11 2021

What is Parkinson’s disease? Parkinson’s disease is a condition that affects movement. People with Parkinson’s have problems controlling the muscles of the body due to a breakdown of messages from the brain. We do not know its causes, but people with Parkinson’s have low levels of a brain chemical called dopamine. Dopamine helps the brain...

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Autism Awareness Day (2nd April 2021)

April 2 2021

Around 1 in 100 Australians is autistic and 85% of the community has a personal connection with an autistic person. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disability that affects the way people communicate and interact with the world. Characteristics generally appear in early childhood and will be present, in some form, for life. Autism affects the way...

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