Yoga Poses to Do at Work

August 28 2017

Having body pains from sitting all day? Try these 5 different quick yoga poses to ease neck and back strain while at work!

Photo Credit: Adobe Stock © tuiphotoengineer 


1. Scale Pose

Sit at the edge of your chair, press your hands down on either side of your hips and raise your legs and butt up off the seat. Engage your deep abdominal muscles and keep the tops of your shoulders down; hold for 3 to 5 breaths. Lower and repeat 2 more times.

Photo by Alex Beauchesne /


2. High Altar Pose

Inhale and lift your arms; clasp your hands and invert your palms. Lean to your left. Hold for 5 to 8 breaths, then switch sides.

Photo by Alex Beauchesne /


3. Twist

Turn to your left. Use your left hand on the back of the chair to deepen the twist. Hold for 5 to 8 breaths, then twist to the other side.

Photo by Alex Beauchesne /


4. Ankle to Knee

Place your left foot on your right knee, letting left knee drop open. Keep your back straight; lean forward to stretch deeper. After 5 to 8 breaths, switch sides.

Photo by Alex Beauchesne /


5. Cow Face Arms

Bring your left arm behind your back and right arm behind your head. Clasp fingers if you can. Hold for 5 to 8 breaths; switch sides.

Photo by Alex Beauchesne /