5 Simple Things To Keep Type 2 Diabetes In Check
October 19 2018
Type 2 diabetes is it produces no symptoms during its early stages. Even if there are a few symptoms present, they are so vague that they can be easily associated with other maladies. The problem is this: type 2 diabetes becomes harder to manage the longer it is left undiagnosed.
Commonly occurs in people over 40 years of age, type 2 diabetes is a condition characterised by insufficient amounts of insulin produced by the pancreas. What’s more, the cells of someone with type 2 diabetes are incapable of utilising insulin properly, and this is the reason why glucose remains in the blood, causing high levels of sugar in the bloodstream. Over time, it may cause complications such as heart disease, kidney failure and blindness.
Fortunately, it is possible to manage type 2 diabetes with some simple lifestyle changes. If you have the condition, it is a good idea to opt for a well-balanced meal, have your regular dose of exercise, maintain your ideal weight, properly deal with stress and have 7 to 8 hours of sleep nightly.
Type 2 diabetes is nothing like type 1 diabetes, which is formerly referred to as insulin-dependent diabetes, wherein the body does not produce insulin at all. The condition usually starts during childhood or adolescence, and can be managed with regular monitoring of blood sugar levels and administration of insulin.
If you are suffering from type 2 diabetes, there are a few things that you should always keep in mind if you want to properly manage the condition and steer clear of the many complications it brings. In fact, experts say that there are only 5 very important matters that you should remember all the time. Here they are:
1. Maintain Your Ideal Weight
Excess weight is said to keep the body from utilising insulin very well. What’s more, being overweight can take its toll on the pancreas after some time. It’s exactly for these reasons why shedding off unwanted pounds can be beneficial for someone with type 2 diabetes. The good news is you don’t even have to aim to be really skinny. According to the pros, you only have to eliminate 5 to 7 percent of your total body weight to make a considerable difference.
2. Be Physically Active
Having your regular dose of exercise is highly recommendable if you are suffering from type 2 diabetes. So many studies have shown that individuals who exercised for about 30 minutes a day had 80 percent lower risk of diabetes than those who didn’t get sufficient exercise. You really don’t have to exercise like a pro athlete or bodybuilder to reap the benefits of exercising on your condition. Something as simple as brisk walking, bicycling, swimming or even dancing will do.
3. Keep Stress to a Minimum
In this day and age, it can be quite impossible to dodge stressors. The sad truth is stress causes the production of certain hormones that have a negative impact on the body’s utilisation of insulin. Also, being stressed can make it harder for you to mind what you are eating, thus causing you to devour foods that are terrible for type 2 diabetes. Doing stress-busting routines such as deep breathing, aromatherapy, listening to music, having a massage, performing yoga and others can help make it easier for you to combat stress and ultimately manage type 2 diabetes.
4. Have a Glass of Wine
Did you know that moderate consumption of alcohol is actually good for the health? This cannot be truer for those with type 2 diabetes, especially if they enjoy wine in moderate amounts. According to the experts, a glass of wine on a regular basis may help improve insulin sensitivity, allowing the muscles to utilise the said hormone more effectively.
5. Steer Clear of Fast Food
Finally, it is very important for anyone with type 2 diabetes to refrain from consuming fast food. Meals offered at your favourite fast food joint contains excessive amounts of all the things that’s bad for you diet-wise — sugar and refined carbohydrates. What’s more, fast food is loaded with saturated fats, something that can clog up your arteries and make you gain weight, a problem that can aggravate type 2 diabetes.
Sourced from HealthDigezt.