April 10 2019Try these 6 practical nutrition tips to avoid the pain. A staggering 20 percent of Australians suffer from migraines at some stage in their lives – that’s around 4.9 million of the population, according to Headache Australia. The 2018 Migraine in Australia report revealed that 71 percent of migraine sufferers are women and, to put a monetary value on the...
Read more February 25 2019Migraine is an actual condition and headaches are symptoms of that disorder. If you get migraine headaches, you know all about how tough they can be to get through. Not knowing when one will strike can make it worse. Some things around you can trigger a migraine. You can control a lot of them. Computers Sitting...
Read more January 15 2019Simple habits can go far toward keeping migraines to a minimum. Here, a few everyday solutions. Eat Often, Ache Less When we wait too long between meals, our blood sugar levels dip, which can trigger a migraine. Carry healthy snacks—a handful of unsalted nuts, organic dried fruit or vegetables with hummus—so you never get too depleted....
Read more July 23 2018Research hasn’t shown that migraines are the cause of any other medical conditions. But they are linked to a number of ailments. The link may be stronger if you have aura — symptoms that come before your migraine. They can include flashes of light, blind spots, or tingling in your hands or face. What conditions have ties...
Read more July 4 2018A headache can come in many different forms. Something that involves sharp pains can be one of the most terrifying of the bunch. Unfortunately, at times determining the reason behind sharp head pains is not the easiest thing to do because of the fact that its causes can be varied, ranging from benign to very...
Read more March 22 2018We’ve all been there: You’re trying to enjoy some of life’s more pleasant moments—you know, like happy hour, a lazy Saturday morning, some time alone with your lover—and bam! Your head starts pounding. If you’re one of the millions who suffer from headaches and migraines, you know the usual culprits: too much alcohol, skimping on sleep— that...
Read more December 6 2017How can you tell if you’re having a migraine? Look for these symptoms. Migraines are pulsating headaches, often on one side of the head. Physical activity may intensify the pain, but symptoms can vary from person to person and from one attack to the next. Here are several ways to identify migraines. Aura Some...
Read more September 21 2017It is never easy whenever your headache strikes. When your head pounds, you get stressed and just want it to stop immediately. Stress makes headaches worse and it can also be the cause for you to develop a headache in the first place. Learning how to relax to reduce stress can be useful when dealing...
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