Geelong Medical & Health Group News

Heart Disease Warning Signs

December 9 2019

Heart symptoms may not always be explicit so do not ignore any potential cardiac warning signs. Some warning signs not to ignore include: shortness of breath, heartburn, muscle soreness, painful hiccups, neck or upper back pain, or other symptoms discussed in this slide show. People with known heart disease or significant risk factors such as...

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5 Best Foods For Your Heart

October 28 2019

Taking care of heart health is something all of us should be mindful of and thankfully as more and more health research is undertaken, we are discovering which diets and foods can be the most beneficial. More recently, greater attention is being paid to a predominately plant-based diet in terms of reducing risk of cardiovascular...

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Achieve A Healthy Weight

April 3 2019

Making a commitment to maintaining a healthy weight is one of the best things you can do for your health and wellbeing. So how do you do it? Here are several tips on how to help you achieve a healthy weight.   How do I know if I’m a healthy weight? BMI is a useful...

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9 Subtle Signs You Could Have a Heart Problem

December 21 2018

  Heart Woes Thanks to more education about healthy eating and advancements in treatment, fewer people die of heart disease than in the past. That said, clogged heart arteries are still the number-one cause of death in the United States. Although heart attack symptoms can be a scary first sign of trouble (and keep in mind women have...

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Common Reasons Why Your Heart Is Racing

October 16 2018

Your heart beats 60 to 100 times a minute. Anything faster than that is called tachycardia, which is a swanky medical term for a racing heart. This article will tell you some of the most common reasons why your heart is beating really fast. A heart attack — this is something that comes to mind...

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Signs That Your Heart Isn’t Working Properly

October 12 2018

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the world. It is a very sneaky illness that can arrive suddenly. It comes without any warnings. This is why heart attacks come as a huge surprise to people, even individuals that appear to be at the peak of their health and age. Though,...

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Get Active For A Healthy Heart

August 15 2018

Any exercise is better than none. More is better. Regular, moderate physical activity is great for your mental, physical and overall heart health. It’s never too late to start and get the benefits. Many Australian adults aren’t active enough to get health benefits. Are you one of them? How much activity should I aim for?...

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5 Signs That Your Arteries Are Clogged

March 27 2018

If you have a blocked artery within your heart, you may be suffering from coronary artery disease (CAD). This disease is caused by the build-up of cholesterol and fatty plaques within the arteries, a condition referred to as atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis can interfere with the blood flow to the heart by causing narrowing or blockage of...

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How To Keep Your Heart Healthy

March 5 2018

The best way to look after your heart is with a healthy lifestyle. Portrait of Happy Family In Park Be smoke-free  Being smoke-free is one of the best things you can do to protect your heart. Manage your blood cholesterol Cholesterol is a fatty substance carried in your blood. Your body needs cholesterol to be...

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6 Unexpected Heart Attack Triggers

February 5 2018

If you’re ever wondering what causes heart attacks, look no further than your kitchen and your bathroom. A bacon cheeseburger fetish topped with a couch potato mentality is a surefire recipe for a heart attack. But those obvious bad choices aren’t the only things taking a toll on your ticker. Scientists discovering surprising new heart attack...

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