January 25 2018Loving your liver is pretty easy when you know how. Here are our top 12 tips you can follow every day for good liver health. 1. Maintain a healthy weight It’s estimated that 60% of Australians are overweight or obese. And of those classed as obese, approximately 30% will have fatty liver disease, putting them...
Read more January 24 2018The truth is, alcohol and your liver don’t mix. For some people, consuming as little as one glass of wine or beer a day can cause liver problems to develop. We are often told that too much alcohol is bad for us, but do you really know why? Have you ever wondered how alcohol affects your liver...
Read more January 5 2018Our liver is one of the detoxifying organs in our body, and it does a lot of hard work every day. No wonder it can get stressed! If your liver can’t convert toxins into safe waste, they “wait” in your fat tissue to be excreted from your body once your liver is functioning normally again. Here are at least 6 symptoms that your liver is overburdened. Check them carefully to understand if your liver...
Read more January 3 2018Alcohol is one of the best-known causes of liver damage, but it’s not the only culprit. Your liver is the largest organ in your body, and it has some equally big responsibilities: filtering the body’s blood, processing nutrients, helping to fight infection, producing proteins you need for blood clotting, and much more. But all these jobs...
Read more October 16 2017Fatty liver occurs when excess fat accumulates inside liver cells. This means normal, healthy liver tissue becomes partly replaced with fatty tissue. The fat starts to invade the liver, gradually infiltrating the healthy liver areas so that less and less healthy liver tissue remains. The fatty liver has a yellow greasy appearance and is often...
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