Geelong Medical & Health Group News

What You Need To Know About Coronavirus (COVID-19)

March 12 2020

What you need to know   People who have returned from a country or region that is at high or moderate risk for COVID-19 should monitor their health closely. If you develop symptoms including a fever and cough you should isolate yourself immediately and urgently seek medical attention.  Go to for the list of...

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How Long Does the Flu Last and How Long Is It Contagious?

May 20 2019

When you have the flu, you want it to go away as soon as possible. Unfortunately, although flu symptoms may begin suddenly, the virus doesn’t tend to be speedy-and you can be contagious before you even realise it. How long does the flu last? The influenza virus can be in your body for one to...

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Important Things To Know About The Flu

April 24 2018

The flu is a highly contagious viral infection that can cause severe illness and life-threatening complications, including pneumonia. The flu is spread by contact with fluids from coughs and sneezes. It is estimated that flu contributes to over 3,000 deaths in Australia each year. The “swine flu” virus – also known as influenza A (H1N1) – emerged in...

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