Geelong Medical & Health Group News

6 Signs Your Liver Can’t Stand Your Lifestyle Any Longer

January 5 2018

Our liver is one of the detoxifying organs in our body, and it does a lot of hard work every day. No wonder it can get stressed! If your liver can’t convert toxins into safe waste, they “wait” in your fat tissue to be excreted from your body once your liver is functioning normally again. Here are at least 6 symptoms that your liver is overburdened. Check them carefully to understand if your liver...

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5 Warning Symptoms & Signs Your Appendix Might Burst

November 22 2017

Most people are pretty familiar with run-of-the-mill tummy troubles like constipation and diarrhea. You’ve probably also had the displeasure of experiencing food poisoning or a stomach virus at least once or twice in your life. While appendicitis is much less common, about 5% of the population eventually ends up with it, and if you fall into that unlucky group, you’ll...

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