
5 Warning Signs Your Pancreas Is In Trouble

March 22 2018

Quick, say the first thing that pops into your head when you read the word “pancreas.” If you said “cancer,” you’re not alone. Most people only think about their pancreas when they hear about pancreatic cancer—which is the deadliest form of cancer in terms of 5-year survival rates. “Part of the reason survival rates are so low...

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9 Reasons Why You Feel Lightheaded—And When To Be Concerned

March 20 2018

Ever fainted? It’s terrifying, but 90% of people who have passed out are absolutely fine, says epidemiologist  Venkatesh Thiruganasambandamoorthy. As for the other 10%, an underlying health condition, like an abnormal heart rhythm, is to blame, and that could mean potentially serious health concerns down the road. Fainting, no matter why it happens, is the result...

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5 Tips to Prevent Injury While You Exercise

March 17 2018

So you’ve finally made the jump to join the fitness bandwagon and start taking charge of your physical health. The only thing you need to make sure of is to survive your fitness routines without encountering any injuries which can otherwise hamper your progress. Exercising can be a fun activity for a lot of people....

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3 Ways to Stay Slim for Good

March 16 2018

Maintaining your weight doesn’t have to be hard. You’re in spandex and sneakers most days of the week, you can decipher a nutrition label quicker than you can say “hydrogenated oil,” and the waiter at your favourite spot no longer bothers to ask if you want to see the dessert menu. And for what? Just to drop...

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8 Signs You Might Have Nerve Damage

March 15 2018

There are billions of nerves in your body. Most of them, your peripheral nerves, are like branches of a tree that spread out all over and transmit messages back to the “trunk”—your brain and spinal cord. When everything goes smoothly, your brain gets the info it needs so that you can move your muscles, recognise...

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Easy Ways to Recover From a Cold or Flu As Soon As Possible

March 12 2018

First, the bad news: There’s no actual cure for cold or flu. But on the bright side, these viruses do tend to clear up pretty quickly—within 3 to 10 days, in most cases. While you can’t kill the bugs with medications, you can treat the symptoms so you feel more comfortable and prevent complications, like...

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4 Surprising Things That Might Actually Cause Alzheimer’s Disease

March 9 2018

Some amount of forgetfulness – say, forgetting where you parked your car after you leave the shops— is normal, especially when you’re busy or have a lot on your mind. But for something like 1 in 10 Australians, that forgetfulness will eventually progress into Alzheimer’s disease. Decades of research have shown that the buildup in...

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Reasons Your Toes Keep Cramping & How To Prevent It

March 8 2018

Most of the time, these cramps can be treated with DIY remedies. You know that strange thing when your toes start twitching and involuntarily twisting around each other? Or when you wake up in the middle of the night with your foot flexed, immovable, and shooting with pain? What is with those cramps? “They’re usually...

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5 Home Remedies for Acid Reflux That Relieve Heartburn Fast

March 8 2018

Most people get heartburn once in a while—that achy, fiery feeling in your chest after polishing off a big, fatty meal, also known as acid reflux. What is that, exactly? “At base, reflux is stomach juice moving from the stomach up into the esophagus or further up,” says Kevin Ghassemi, MD, a gastroenterologist and associate director of clinical...

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