Geelong Medical & Health Group News

How Alcohol Can Affect Your Liver

January 24 2018

The truth is, alcohol and your liver don’t mix. For some people, consuming as little as one glass of wine or beer a day can cause liver problems to develop. We are often told that too much alcohol is bad for us, but do you really know why? Have you ever wondered how alcohol affects your liver...

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Holiday Health Guide: Best and Worst Foods to Eat Before a Night of Drinking

December 18 2017

There’s no question booze can do a number on your body, especially when you throw back a few too many (hello, awkward holiday happy hour!)—from bloating and brain fog to the all-out misery of a head-pounding hangover. But by taking a few precautions before the alcohol starts to flow, you can help minimize the damage, experts say. Here’s what to eat (and what to...

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