Geelong Medical & Health Group News

Signs You’re Low on Vitamin B12

January 22 2019

The nutrients used to grow, maintain and repair our body come from the food we eat. But without enough of the right nutrients, such as in vitamin B12 deficiency, our health can be affected. Here are some signs to look out for: Numbness Do your hands, feet, or legs feel like they’re on “pins and...

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8 Signs of Folate Deficiency You Might Be Ignoring

October 18 2018

Plus, how to add more of the B vitamin to your diet. There’s a reason pregnant women are always told to load up on folate: getting enough of the vitamin helps prevent neural tube, brain, or spinal cord defects in babies. But folate isn’t just important for those who have a little one on the...

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The 6 most common nutrient deficiencies – and how to deal with them

February 14 2018

From iron to calcium, magnesium and more, these are the most common nutrients Aussies aren’t getting enough of right now. Whilst caring about our health seems to be on the rise, there are a number of nutrients that continue to be at risk in the Australian diet. Given that less than 10% of Australians meet...

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5 Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Potassium

October 21 2017

Potassium aids in muscle contraction, fluid regulation, and mineral balance. What’s more, potassium blunts the effects of excessive sodium consumption.  A potassium-rich diet helps the body flush out sodium. It also helps relax blood vessel walls and, in turn, lower blood pressure. Increasing your potassium intake while reducing your sodium intake can slash your stroke risk by 21%, and may...

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Iron Deficiency? No Problem. Iron-Rich Foods To Combat Anemia.

September 16 2017

Iron deficiency is common. Iron is an essential mineral for our bodies and when iron levels are too low it can cause anaemia – a deficiency of haemoglobin, the oxygen carrying molecule in our red blood cells. This can lead to fatigue, tiredness and decreased immunity. Our bodies cannot produce iron, so you need to get...

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