October 18 2018Plus, how to add more of the B vitamin to your diet. There’s a reason pregnant women are always told to load up on folate: getting enough of the vitamin helps prevent neural tube, brain, or spinal cord defects in babies. But folate isn’t just important for those who have a little one on the...
Read more September 4 2018The symptoms are shockingly similar – but pneumonia can become serious fast. When you think of pneumonia, you probably think of having it as a little kid or hearing about your grandma catching it while in the hospital. It’s true that pneumonia is more common in children and older adults (thanks to their weaker immune...
Read more August 15 2018Any exercise is better than none. More is better. Regular, moderate physical activity is great for your mental, physical and overall heart health. It’s never too late to start and get the benefits. Many Australian adults aren’t active enough to get health benefits. Are you one of them? How much activity should I aim for?...
Read more April 20 2018Forget colonics and ultra-low-calorie juice fasts. If you want to clear out toxins and boost your overall health, there are smarter and safer ways to do it. Here are five expert-approved tactics that are guaranteed to make you feel like a better, fresher version of yourself. 1. Eat Clean Cruciferous veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage and...
Read more April 17 2018Pretty much everyone over a certain age has back pain at some point. Who hasn’t felt a dull ache on occasion, or been frozen in their tracks by a sudden, sharp twinge? Although it’s uncomfortable, it isn’t usually anything to worry about. In fact, it often goes away on its own within six weeks. Sometimes,...
Read more March 28 2018Shortness of breath or breathing difficulty is something that makes it feel like your chest is tight and the air is thick. In the medical field, it is referred to as dyspnea. It’s important to note that mild breathing issues encountered when performing aerobic exercises are not part of this category. There are many different...
Read more March 28 2018These days there’s no shortage of chatter about exercises for heart health, cancer-fighting foods, and recipes for keeping blood sugar in check. But there’s less talk about the kidneys, the twin organs that many doctors have deemed the unsung heroes of the human body. Not only do they help keep blood in tip-top shape, but...
Read more March 16 2018Maintaining your weight doesn’t have to be hard. You’re in spandex and sneakers most days of the week, you can decipher a nutrition label quicker than you can say “hydrogenated oil,” and the waiter at your favourite spot no longer bothers to ask if you want to see the dessert menu. And for what? Just to drop...
Read more February 15 2018Healthy foods full of promises are on the rise and are more popular than ever, but some so-called healthy foods bring more harm than good. How many of these do you consume every day as part of your healthy diet? 10. Fruit juice That carton of fruit juice we all love is not really made of fruit — just delicious chemicals that give the perfect fruit...
Read more January 13 2018If these stats don’t inspire you to make healthier choices, we’re not sure what will! Many committed exercisers assume that regularly indulging in desserts or fried food won’t expand their waistline. They’re burning off a tonne of kilojoules during their workouts, after all. While that may be true for marathon runners or professional athletes, that’s...
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