November 20 2023As we navigate the challenges of the 21st century, one of the most pressing global health threats is antimicrobial resistance. To shed light on this critical issue, the World Health Organization (WHO) has designated this week as World Antimicrobial Awareness Week. Running from November 18th to 24th, the campaign aims to raise awareness about the...
Read more April 5 2019Alzheimer’s-related brain changes start as early as your 30s or 40s. If you were taught that you’re born with all the brain cells you’ll ever get and it’s all downhill from there, it’s time for a rethink. Mounting research suggests you can improve your brain no matter what your age, making it stronger now and...
Read more September 4 2018The symptoms are shockingly similar – but pneumonia can become serious fast. When you think of pneumonia, you probably think of having it as a little kid or hearing about your grandma catching it while in the hospital. It’s true that pneumonia is more common in children and older adults (thanks to their weaker immune...
Read more August 28 20181 in 3 adults are pre-diabetic. Could you be one of them? Chances are, you think you’d be able to spot the signs you were at serious risk of getting sick. Thing is, you really might not. More than 2 million Australians are pre-diabetic, yet 90 percent of them have no idea. That’s a problem, because...
Read more March 19 2018Have you heard of smartphone thumb? It’s a real medical condition these days, and you may already be suffering from it. Read on to know more about it as well as come across some tips and tricks on how to keep it from striking. Tendinitis — this is the formal name of this medical condition...
Read more March 17 2018So you’ve finally made the jump to join the fitness bandwagon and start taking charge of your physical health. The only thing you need to make sure of is to survive your fitness routines without encountering any injuries which can otherwise hamper your progress. Exercising can be a fun activity for a lot of people....
Read more March 8 2018Most of the time, these cramps can be treated with DIY remedies. You know that strange thing when your toes start twitching and involuntarily twisting around each other? Or when you wake up in the middle of the night with your foot flexed, immovable, and shooting with pain? What is with those cramps? “They’re usually...
Read more September 20 2017Five ways to prevent the spread of flu at home, work, and school. One of the most effective ways to protect you, your friends and family from influenza (the flu) is to practise good personal hygiene. Below are five ways to prevent the spread of the flu. 1. Cover your mouth and nose when...
Read more August 22 2017Reports show that 10% of Australians, aged 14 and over, have misused prescription pain-relievers or opioid medicines. If you’re NOT taking your medicines as directed then you may be misusing them. Help spread the word! Learn more: If you have questions about your medicines, call to schedule an appointment with one of our medical professionals at...
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