Yearly Archive: 2017

Everyday Activities That Can Damage Your Spine

December 30 2017

The spine is literally the backbone of your body that keeps it together. It’s important that you take care of it at any age. Below is a list of everyday activities that, as it turns out, might harm your spine. Brushing your teeth When we stand, the pressure on the spine is much higher than during a long walk. If you have to stand for hours every day, you should...

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6 Reasons Why Your Hands Are Shaking

December 29 2017

Everything from a hard workout to underlying disease could explain your shakes. You notice the shaking most in the morning when you’re texting or drinking your coffee. Or it could be an all-the-time affliction, causing your hands to quiver whenever they’re hanging at your sides. You’re not alone. A shaking or trembling body part—also known...

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A Healthy Food Resolution For The New Year

December 28 2017

It’s the end of December, which means there’s a good chance you are thinking of ways to live healthier in the new year. Whether you want to drop 10 pounds, improve your cholesterol or have more energy, we have five food-related New Year’s resolutions that will help you achieve your goals. 1. Mindful eating 2....

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8 Most Common Causes Of UTIs

December 27 2017

If you’ve ever had a urinary tract infection, then you know the agony of that terrible burning feeling and relentless need to pee—and you’d probably do anything to avoid getting another. 1 in 5 women experience a UTI at some point in her life. And while men can get them, too (UTIs are the second...

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7 Signs You Could Have Kidney Stones–and When to See a Doctor

December 26 2017

You can’t miss the sudden, intense pain. Here’s what else to watch for. Anyone who has ever had a kidney stone knows how miserable it can make you feel. Kidney stones develop when high levels of salt and other minerals in the urine stick together. Over time, these congealed bits can form stones ranging in size from...

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What Christmas Can Do To Your Body

December 25 2017

A roast dinner with all the trimmings might feel like a lot of work in the kitchen on a hot Christmas day, and it might be too much for your tummy as well. Here’s what happens to your body and why you might want to plan a lighter menu. BRAIN The after-meal sluggishness and fatigue...

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How Texting Can Seriously Mess Up Your Spine

December 23 2017

If you’re the type of person who’s constantly glued to your phone, be warned: Looking down at your screen can be the equivalent of putting up to 60 pounds of extra weight on your spine, according to a new analysis published in the journal Surgical Technology International. You already know that the caved shoulders habit is bad posture and a recipe for back pain. But turns out,...

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