August 7 2019 Do you wake up feeling tired, exhausted and lethargic in the morning even though you’re quite sure that you’ve had several hours of shut-eye? It’s very much possible that you just failed to get the kind of sleep that’s restorative, something vital for your mind and body to be able to get rejuvenated. There...
Read more April 16 2019The occasional manic Monday is a fact of modern life. But if you’re under chronic stress—suffering a daily assault of stress hormones from a demanding job or a personal life in turmoil—symptoms may be subtler, says Stevan E. Hobfoll, PhD. If you experience any of the signs that follow, take some time out every day, he...
Read more April 11 2019Treat yourself with this simple advice. If a ‘healthier and happier year’ was at the top of your list back in January, you’re not alone. We all know that when you feel happy on the inside, you radiate good energy and smile more, all of which can result in a healthier appearance including smooth, glowing...
Read more March 29 2019It will take a lot of patience and self-discipline to follow a certain diet and lifestyle and to exercise regularly and not everybody can do it. All this contribute to being fit and healthy and it don’t happen overnight. However, everybody can achieve their goal with realistic steps and actually accomplish it if they replace their...
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