June 18 2019Hippocrates said, “Walking is man’s best medicine.” And he’s not wrong. Research from Harvard University shows that walking just 30 minutes a day reduces your chance of getting heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, some cancers, dementia, Alzheimer’s and depression by up to 50 per cent. But to turn your daily walk into a workout, you...
Read more March 26 2019You don’t have to be a runner to torch kilojoules and reap the weight loss benefits of cardio. In fact, you can burn just as many kilojoules walking as you can running – if you speed walk, says personal trainer Michele Stanten. “All a walker has to do to burn more kilojoules than a runner...
Read more February 12 2019You don’t have to be a runner to get fit. Try good, fast walking instead. Every hour you spend walking may add 2 hours to your life, research suggests. Brisk walking can help trim your risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and depression. To reap the benefits of walking and stay injury-free, try these tips. Wear comfy,...
Read more November 1 2018You’ll be amazed at the benefits from this quick and easy routine. Taking a 30-minute walk a day is kind of like that proverbial apple: There’s a good chance it’ll keep the doctor away. From helping you lose weight and de-stress to lowering your blood pressure and reducing your risk of many chronic diseases-going for...
Read more January 13 2018If these stats don’t inspire you to make healthier choices, we’re not sure what will! Many committed exercisers assume that regularly indulging in desserts or fried food won’t expand their waistline. They’re burning off a tonne of kilojoules during their workouts, after all. While that may be true for marathon runners or professional athletes, that’s...
Read more January 4 2018Everyone knows that working out for at least 30 minutes 3 to 5 times a week is good for the body and mind. Having your regular dose of exercise offers so many benefits, ranging from building muscles to warding off heart disease. Choosing a form of exercise that suits your needs and preference is essential, and two...
Read more September 26 2017Walking is a great way to improve or maintain your overall health. Just 30 minutes every day can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat, and boost muscle power and endurance. It can also reduce your risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and some cancers. It is...
Read more July 27 2017Strength training is a set of physical exercises that specialize in the use of resistance to build muscle strength. In turn, the body is able to burn calories more efficiently, thus reducing body fat. Strength training is important as we grow older as it helps to preserve and enhance both muscle and bone mass. The...
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