March 17 2018So you’ve finally made the jump to join the fitness bandwagon and start taking charge of your physical health. The only thing you need to make sure of is to survive your fitness routines without encountering any injuries which can otherwise hamper your progress. Exercising can be a fun activity for a lot of people....
Read more March 13 2018If you’re like most people, there’s a good chance you get out of bed every morning and launch right into your busy day. Yet taking just a few minutes for yourself before you race to get in the shower, prepare breakfast, make your way to the office, and start plowing through your to-do list can...
Read more January 29 2018One of the worst feelings a person can experience is putting a lot of effort into something without seeing results. When hard work in working out does not pay off, fatigue is doubled and motivation is lost. Below is the list of some reasons why you are not getting stronger. Improper Technique Improper methods will only lead to more injuries....
Read more January 13 2018If these stats don’t inspire you to make healthier choices, we’re not sure what will! Many committed exercisers assume that regularly indulging in desserts or fried food won’t expand their waistline. They’re burning off a tonne of kilojoules during their workouts, after all. While that may be true for marathon runners or professional athletes, that’s...
Read more December 20 2017Short on time? These five exercises are all it takes to stay flexible – and all you need is 10 minutes three times a week When you’re crunched for time, stretching is often the first part of your workout that gets discarded. Then months after ignoring your hamstrings, you bend over to tie your shoes...
Read more December 4 2017Here are 7 simple at-home workouts, many of which can be done in less than 20 minutes. Indoor cycling If you love logging kilometres on the open road, consider setting up your bike in your living room. You can put your favourite TV show or movie on the TV and pedal away. The most common...
Read more November 27 2017You know sitting’s no good for your health, but there’s not much you can do about your sedentary desk job. The whole 10,000-steps-a-day thing seems like a pretty lofty goal anyway, since that much walking amounts to traversing roughly 8 kilometres daily. And for many of us, it is a lofty goal: Back in 2010, research showed our...
Read more November 10 2017You rely on your hands when driving, typing, texting, cooking, painting, crocheting, and so many other innumerable tasks. That is why keeping at bay hand muscle and joint pain and inflammation is very important. There are a handful of simple and easy exercises for the hands that you may carry out on a regular basis, especially after utilizing them...
Read more October 30 2017Stair climbing is an excellent form of cardiovascular and muscle-toning exercise — the pounding of your heart, gasping for air, and burning sensation in the legs serve as proof! While going to the gym to get an excellent dose of fat-burning cardio and muscle-building workout is a good thing, the truth is you don’t really...
Read more October 23 2017by Laurel Leicht What you consume—and when you have it—can help improve your running game, whether you’re a 5K-er or a long-distance runner. Discover the secrets to powering up for success. Even if you only jog the occasional few miles, you’ve likely heard about marathoners carb-loading before a race or long run. But pasta isn’t the only...
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