August 16 2017We have changed our diets and moved to eating healthier foods, watching what we eat to ensure that we add value to our bodies. However, we all know and have read articles on the importance of coupling healthy eating with a visit to the gym at least three times a week. With our busy schedules,...
Read more August 14 2017Everyone loves a well-toned body. You begin to imagine that the person must have spent hours in the gym, running around the track or the park. Are you aware that some of the fittest and best-toned individuals’ only workout for thirty minutes in a day? You might view thirty minutes of workout as pointless but it...
Read more August 13 2017Before starting a workout program, it is very important to know why you want to start working out and how you are going to do it. Preparing your mind to be ready for the task is the key to a successful workout. There are several key steps that you should probably consider before working out....
Read more August 10 2017We all want to get in shape and have a healthy lifestyle that keeps the doctor away. Eating healthy and weight loss diets are not enough on their own, exercise is needed to build muscle and burn calories in the right way. Making the choice to lose weight should be a life commitment if you...
Read more August 3 2017Struggling with stress? Need an emotional lift? Then it’s time to get moving! A growing body of research shows that exercise boosts brain health, prevents cognitive decline, and improves memory. It also lifts your mood and balances emotions, leading to a better quality of life. Working out is one of the easiest, most effective ways...
Read more August 2 2017Have you ever tried HIIT? This intense workout burns a ton of calories in as little as four minutes. It’s a perfect choice for those who are short on time or simply hate cardio. Also known as high-intensity interval training, it offers a full body workout and boosts overall fitness. All you have to do...
Read more August 2 2017Mr. Joseph Pilates invented this mental and physical form of exercise that targets the core muscles of your body, such as your Lower back, Abs, and the Pelvic muscle. It scientifically proved to help build lean muscle and aid metabolism, which important for burning calories. For any beginner embarking on any form of workout, there...
Read more July 31 2017Go to the gym and you’ll see crowds of people doing cardio on the treadmill, stair master, or stationary bike. Yet, only a few actually look fit. Contrary to popular belief, cardio isn’t the ultimate solution to weight loss. It does help, but there are better ways to torch fat and keep it off. Too...
Read more July 27 2017Strength training is a set of physical exercises that specialize in the use of resistance to build muscle strength. In turn, the body is able to burn calories more efficiently, thus reducing body fat. Strength training is important as we grow older as it helps to preserve and enhance both muscle and bone mass. The...
Read more July 27 2017Looking for the best ways to maximize your workout? Want better results in less time? From full body circuits and plyometrics to HIIT, there are plenty of workouts that can be completed in minutes. Most of them require no equipment and can be done anywhere. They are just as effective as traditional gym workouts. The...
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