
Why You Should Add More Healthy Whole Foods To Your Diet

August 1 2017

You have probably heard people talking about changing their diets to focus on healthy whole foods. But do you really know what they are? In a society where eating processed and manufactured food is the go-to option, there may be some genuine misunderstanding as to what exactly qualifies as whole food. Even for the health...

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Simple and Healthy Breakfast to Kick Start Your Day!

July 31 2017

When we write a “To Do List” for the day, we often forget about us. Literary speaking, one would need all the energy and concentration to deliver 100%! Breakfast is the first meal of the day with all the health benefits the body needs to run throughout the day. When we take time to eat...

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Is It Possible To Burn Fat Without Cardio?

July 31 2017

Go to the gym and you’ll see crowds of people doing cardio on the treadmill, stair master, or stationary bike. Yet, only a few actually look fit. Contrary to popular belief, cardio isn’t the ultimate solution to weight loss. It does help, but there are better ways to torch fat and keep it off. Too...

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Diet Myths That Make You Fat

July 28 2017

Wonder why you can’t lose weight? Do you eat healthy and stick to your workouts? If so, you’re doing something wrong. Millions of dieters are still clinging to old, outdated ideas on nutrition and weight loss. Common mistakes, such as eating diet foods, eating too much honey, or snacking on energy bars, can slow your...

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Healthy Diet for a Healthy Lifestyle!

July 28 2017

With small steps every day, it’s easier to move from an unhealthy lifestyle to a healthy one using a healthy diet. There is a lot of information out there from experts on what the best foods are and another saying the reverse. A healthy diet should not be an uphill task, frustrating or deprive you...

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Train For Strength In 4 Easy Ways

July 27 2017

Strength training is a set of physical exercises that specialize in the use of resistance to build muscle strength. In turn, the body is able to burn calories more efficiently, thus reducing body fat. Strength training is important as we grow older as it helps to preserve and enhance both muscle and bone mass. The...

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Simple Ways to Squeeze in 30 Minutes of Exercise a Day

July 27 2017

Looking for the best ways to maximize your workout? Want better results in less time? From full body circuits and plyometrics to HIIT, there are plenty of workouts that can be completed in minutes. Most of them require no equipment and can be done anywhere. They are just as effective as traditional gym workouts. The...

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Lifestyle Changes to Speed Up Weight Loss

July 26 2017

According to health experts, lifestyle changes beat diet when it comes to weight loss. If you want to shed fat for good, commit yourself to healthy eating. Forget the D word and make smart food choices each day. Regular exercise is crucial, so stick to your workouts and avoid prolonged sitting. Ready to give it...

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Choosing a Sunscreen

February 2 2017

Choosing a sunscreen can be tricky, especially when the market is flooded with products to compare. Here is some information to consider and get you started on finding the right product for you! We often hear people say ‘The sunscreen in my moisturiser or makeup lasts all day’. What you may not know is, this...

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